
Botulinum toxin type A (BT-A) is a potent inhibitor of
the neuron end plate. After intramuscular injection,
BT-A is taken up selectively by neuronal cells via
specific membrane-bound acceptor molecules.
Intracellularly, a proteolytic subunit is cleaved off,
which interferes with neuronal acetylcholine release.
This results in a flaccid paralysis of the
corresponding muscles that may last for several
months until acetylcholine release is restored by
sprouting of new nerve endings and finally
regeneration of the original end plate. On the basis of
this unique mechanism, BT-A has become a precise
and highly effective tool for many types of therapeutic
muscle denervations. Reduction of facial expression
lines, originally observed as an anecdotal event after
BT-A injections for blepharospasm, has opened
doors to a rampantly expanding use of BT-A among
dermatologists to treat wrinkles, which were formed
as hyperkinetic mimic expression lines.

Afrika Dili

Botulinum tipe gifstof A (BT-A) is 'n kragtige inhibeerder van
die neuron einde plaat. Na binnespierse inspuiting,
is BT-A selektief opgeneem deur neuronale selle via
spesifieke membraangebonde akseptor molekules.
Intrasellulêr, is 'n proteolitiese subeenheid gekleef af,
wat inmeng met neuronale asetielcholien vry te laat.
Dit lei tot 'n slap verlamming van die
ooreenstemmende spiere wat kan duur vir 'n paar
maande tot asetielcholien vrystelling herstel deur
uitloop van nuwe senuweepunte en uiteindelik
herstel van die oorspronklike einde plaat. Op grond van
hierdie unieke meganisme, het BT-A word 'n akkurate
en hoogs doeltreffende instrument vir baie verskillende tipes van terapeutiese
muscle denervations. Reduction of facial expression
lines, originally observed as an anecdotal event after
BT-A injections for blepharospasm, has opened
doors to a rampantly expanding use of BT-A among
dermatologists to treat wrinkles, which were formed
as hyperkinetic mimic expression lines.

(5000 karakter kaldı)
Afrika Dili

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